Yard Maintenance

RNH homeowners are responsible for routine maintenance of their private property and street curb grass, which does not require RNH Board approval, to meet the RNH Rules & Regulations. This means the property should be at least 80 percent free of weeds. All planting beds also must be kept reasonably free of weeds.

RNH homeowners are required to keep grass mowed; landscaping neat, tidy and trimmed (not blocking windows, doors, sidewalks, etc.); planting areas weeded; and decks, fences, and landscaping reinforcements (4X4 timbers and stone/paver walls) maintained in good condition.

This regulation’s coverage includes, but is not limited to:

  • Regular (minimum weekly) lawn mowing. (See Section 4J regarding Courtesy Quiet Time in the neighborhood for considerate times to mow lawns.)
  • After mowing, grass clippings must be removed from sidewalks and streets, and any heavy grass clippings must be removed from lawn.
  • Removal of grass growing over the public sidewalk edges so that walking space is compromised, creating a walking hazard).
  • Weed control (lawns must be a minimum of 80 percent grass and flower beds must not be overtaken by weeds).
  • Trimming/pruning of hedges, trees and flowering plants.
  • Container gardening consistent with an executive townhome community.
  • Removal of dead plants (both planted and potted).
  • Raking of leaves.
  • Maintenance of pots and the plants in them.
  • Trash on the property, including but not limited to, empty, broken, faded and overturned plant pots, plastic bottles, papers, garbage bags, and other types of refuse/debris.

The RNH Residents Association provides basic lawn treatments (i.e., fertilization, and weed and grub control), for all private lots. RNH homeowners still bear the primary responsibility for lawn care and—depending on the condition of an individual property—supplemental chemical treatments, reconstruction, and other measures necessary to bring a property within RNH Rules & Regulations and community standards. Proper landscaping maintenance and lawn treatment by homeowners is an important part of helping to preserve house values and maintain the community’s beauty.

Signs announcing lawn treatments are to be posted at each development entrance three (3) days prior to application. RNH homeowners who do not wish to have their lawn treated must contact The Ridings at Northampton property manager.