Snow Removal

Northampton Township is responsible for snow removal from public roads. RNH homeowners are responsible for snow removal from their driveway and sidewalks (both private and public). The RNH Residents Association is responsible for removing snow from common area sidewalks.

According to Northampton Township Regulation 115-22, all homeowners must clear the width of their sidewalks of snow and ice within twenty-four (24) hours after the snow has stopped falling. This includes clearing the driveway apron. Failure to do so may result in a RNH Residents Association fine and township citation. Homeowners wishing to report violations may call the township at 215-357-6800.
NOTE: Homeowners are responsible for injuries to others that result from anyone slipping on their sidewalk due to ice and snow that were neglected to be cleared within the 24-hour time period required by the township.

In addition, Northampton Township regulation 21-202 deems that it is unlawful to throw, shovel, or plow snow into or on any roads and streets within the township from adjoining property with the intent of allowing such snow to remain on the street.