Signage & Decorations

Only signage placed by the RNH Residents Association/Board and/or its approved vendors is permitted.

Except as indicated below, no signage of any kind—including political, “For Sale,” etc., is permitted to be displayed to public view in windows or on any private lot or common area in the RNH community.

Home “For Sale,” “For Rent,” or “Open House” signs are permitted only at the two entrances to the community and on the property being advertised at designated times. Signs at these three locations are permitted from 3 p.m. Friday until 6 p.m. Sunday.

Congratulatory signage such as school graduations, new baby, happy birthday, etc., are permitted to be visible for 1 week.

Violations will result in signs being removed and—if not reclaimed within three (3) days—discarded. In addition, perpetrators will be subject to financial penalties.

NOTE: RNH homeowners are responsible for contractor and other signage placed on their private lot.


No posters or notices may be attached to the mailboxes. Also, motor vehicles are not permitted to be parked so that they block access to the mailboxes.


Lawn and Yard Ornaments

Lawn ornaments need to be consistent with the exterior harmony of The Ridings at Northampton community and that of an executive townhome community, and sensitive to the closeness of fellow neighbors.

Holiday Decorations

Holiday decorations must be consistent with the exterior harmony of The Ridings and an executive townhome community. They should be installed and removed on a timely basis—generally within one (1) month before/after the holiday and stored inside during the off-season.