Satellite Dishes and Antennae

(Prior Architectural Approval Required)

Satellite dishes and antennae may only be installed with RNH Board approval and are permitted in accordance with Federal Communications Commission regulations introduced in 1997. All such dishes must be placed at a discreet location on a townhome or lot (i.e., on the roof, chimneystack or behind hedges or shrubs) to be unobtrusive and minimally visible to foot or vehicular traffic. Preferably the dish or antennae is not to be visible from the center of the street in front of house. If the installing technician provides written explanation of the necessity to locate the dish elsewhere, a new A&E form must be submitted. At no time shall the satellite dish be installed on common ground, another RNH homeowner’s property, or in a location preventing emergency access.

RNH homeowners must follow all Federal Communications Commission guidelines regarding size, etc., and installation—including visible wires—must be done in an attractive and professional manner.

For UHF/VHF reception, an omni-directional, all-in-one mount should be mounted on satellite dish. No visible coaxial cable is permitted. Installation must be done by an authorized professional and qualified satellite dish dealer/Installer who is to furnish the respective RNH homeowner with proof of proper insurances (i.e., liability, workman’s, etc.).