
All bed and landscaping plantings must be kept in an attractive and neat condition. Plantings—seasonal and perennial—must be pruned periodically and may not block house numbers, which must be visible from the street.

All shrubbery and trees must be pruned away from the public sidewalk, including elevating tree branches at least twelve (12) feet above said sidewalk to maintain the safety of the sidewalk.

Landscaping, other than grass, is not permitted between the street curb and the sidewalk.

NOTE: Trees, tree branches, shrubbery, etc., growing onto a neighbor’s property/air space, may be trimmed to the mutual property line by the infringed-upon neighbor. In addition, trees must be periodically pruned/maintained to prevent large branches/fallen trees damaging neighbor/communal property. In the event of such damage, the tree owner will be responsible for the repair of the damaged property.

Landscaping reinforcements (4X4 timbers and paver walls) must be maintained in good condition, as well as fences, decks, and any other landscaping features. Any landscaping installations or replacements must have prior RNH Board approval.

NOTE: RNH homeowners are responsible for verifying locations of all underground utilities and existing easements and bear total responsibility for all service interruptions—to their home or to neighbors—caused by their work. Call Pennsylvania One: 800-242-1776.