
No undomesticated animals, livestock, pigs, fowl, or poultry shall be raised, bred, or kept within the RNH community.

No RNH homeowner may foster a colony of feral cats or other wild animals.

Only four (4) domesticated animals (dogs, cats, or other common household pets) may be kept inside any RNH home, provided they are not kept, bred, or maintained for any commercial purposes.

All pets must be held or kept on a leash when not in their owner’s fenced rear yard and may not be left outside unattended or allowed to run free. Also, pets may not be tied outside the front of any home.
NOTE: In all areas of the RNH community, including their own yard and any fenced-in area of their yard), pet owners are required to pick up all pet defecation. All pet owners are expected to be considerate and—where possible—refrain from allowing their pets to defecate or urinate on shrubs or plantings on neighbors’ properties or in common areas.

All pet waste is to be collected and appropriately disposed of by the pet owner to preserve sanitary conditions throughout the RNH community. This includes defecation on common ground (i.e., Basswood and Sycamore islands, the two entranceways of the community, the Bellwood/Basswood peninsula) as well as defecation on private property—including the homeowner’s as well as neighbor’s property.

When walking dogs, owners are expected to carry a pooper scooper, plastic bag, etc., in order to immediately pick up after their pets. It is the responsibility of pet owners to thoroughly clean and otherwise maintain their yard and any fenced-in areas where their pets have access. This responsibility is important to prevent the creation of any nuisance, health hazard, or odor.

Failure of a RNH owner/resident to pick up after a dog and/or to permit a dog to run freely in the community without supervision will result in fines being assessed to that homeowner.

In order to maintain The Ridings at Northampton as a pet-friendly community, all RNH residents share a responsibility in reporting pet violations as well as other violations of the RNH Rules & Regulations. Residents witnessing dog owners not picking up after pets and/or permitting dogs to roam freely or any other pet violations are encouraged and expected to contact the property manager with the address of the violator, description of the dog and the location, date, and when the violation was observed. Residents reporting the violations must provide their name and address, but this information will remain confidential and will not be revealed.